Saturday, October 24, 2009

What could happen if we didn have history as a Subject

History, a subject which scared most of us to death during exams.the fat books,the lengthy answers and most of all the boring stories about how the empires got built and deeestroyed.The sub starts in class 6 and then continues onto 10th trying to give u in a nutshell what has happened in the world till now( sometimes very region specific stuff).In many cases history shapes ur prejudices for the rest of ur lives. Say the britishers ruling over india for 4 centuries or the mughals conquering before that,the chengiz khans of the yesteryears or the roman and the greeks.

As a ardent student of finance one who believes in one thing very strongly.That life like markets moves in cycles,bears and bulls, plus the value of everything is in the future cashflows that the asset or in my example about the life of a human being, the weighted average of the happiness , the satisfaction and the pleasure he derives from his stay on the planet plus the knowledge, the love ,the societal contribution which he makes dat determines for me his value on a very micro sense.
in the macro sense that is captured in the discounting rate what is the proxy is the state of the society and the state he lives in factored in through social and demographic factors viz quality of education,level of cultural cohesion etc.
The point here i that how my lead my life is majorly determined by the factors quoted above.Now where does history figure in all this.History makes villains and heroes for u,mostly very region specific mirror image heroes and villains between conflicting states,it has had civilisations ruling over the World.We first had the egyptians,the greeks the romans,the Europeans,the golden empire and then ofcourse the US now maybe the tomorrow is with China or maybe one day India then Africa and so on.
I would like to closely examine how this history has affected day to day dynamics of a student of history in his years at school.

A few Examples
The Jews are always fed with the Nazi story, the Arab story ,and other innumerable such from time immemorial. The arabs are fed with stories of Jews Before and after Christ,in ancient,medieval and modern history. The Hindus are taught about pakistan and how it happened,about British empire ,the same wid the pakistanis.The Middle eastern countries taught dogmatic islamic scriptures about non sensible laws and practices on which the feared regime taliban was conceptualised on.The point here is simple we are brought up fed on prejudices al the while.And when does this happen ,well clearly during the formative years at school when our minds are like clay which can be moulded into whatever shape it encounters.And the worst part is that the shape is there is stay forever as if someone had just put it through a heat kiln.
Well there could be a counter to this sayin that it all depends on how the history text book is written but then history ust cannot be facts ,every book has built in biases to them and if they don the teacher makes sure they come across.Well as i believe it during school i never realised the imp of history,but then after that i came to believe maybe history is something u just cannot run away from,it will follow u everywhere.But then now again i realise if say u don follow history in ur formative years,compulsorily the prejudices are built in later when ur matured mind can take it atleast.That is when history catches up wid then u are at least wise enuf to base ur decisions on better logic and sense rather than a programmed mind.
Now picture this ,A Whole generation which is built on basic Human Principles,the minds look for order,love and happiness and the all the factors mentioned earlier. U look for micro factors like ur own happiness and satisfaction but u r also focused on macro and more social factors which bring happiness and peace to the overall race.That reduces the discounting rate,minimizing the denominator and driving the valuation, which is just an arithmetic proxy to Satisfaction.
That is what maximises value for u and ur valuations are the highest,as for the cyclical theory,everyone goes through bad times and depending upon the choices u make in life ,in such a place u determine ur future and not the society. A failed state whenever it happens makes us question our own assumptions about life and freedom.A la Afghanistan,Iraq,the Gaza strip,most of Africa are examples which force us to look at things from a lens very different from the one we use for normal life.A Young Indian helping a old pakistani blind man(who is publicly known to have terrorist connections in his younger times) to cross the road,a Jew lady making tasty and wholesome food for the gaza Strip refugees ,and the son of an taliban official leading a perfectly normal life ,living in america and helping the world out of an economic crisis,maybe one day these unimaginable things and much more like this could come true.
The question is
If we had not been taught History In school,could a whole generation have escaped Biases and based their life on more meaningful pursuits rather than fighting wars on land?