Saturday, January 30, 2010

Placements - Noise or Signal??

Well the time arrives which everyone looks forward to but secretly is scared to death of..Plcaement season...a really dreaded time when all the classroom sessions go out of the window and all that remains is speculation,fear,happiness, greed,friendship,conspiracy theories ..basically the whole gamut of human emotions. The times are bad thy say this year..the papers tell me sth else...the prssure of the liabilities....the pressure of expectations...the lack of clarity..frenzied calls to seniors,friends,prior colleagues..basically taking an opinion from anyone who has one to offer...then run them through a very very flawed regresion model (what else) -our Brain...then take a decision many times a gut feel...apply....

Step 2: Shortlist: I am not in...dude what was the criteria...noooooo not grades work ex m so screwed...i will never get shortlisted.....m done dude!! i will become an entrepreneur....
I am so finished and dead!! basically again the most weirdly ur mind can act it does....Ppl stop takin to ppl who are placed...tht placed syndrome....loss of confidence!!lack of trust!!...seems like the whole world is scheming against u...and most of all those placcom guys(poor them!!),still waiting for a job of their own and bearing the brunt of the whole batch!!!

So whats my view on all thiss...
Well thing ..u either have clarity or u dont have clarity!! Believe me its much better 2 be the latter. (U have a much larger pool of cos to aply to)
My view on the whole issue is a lil different!!

One its ur life.....its ur career......have confidence and clarity on what u want....and life will be fair on u!!!
Second i think u already have come out of one rat race jump into another one...just think of the ppl u left behind in the previous IT rat race...equally competent(cz i believe ppl in this world atleast ur engineering frens and all are as good as u if nt better) and thus be happy wid wat u have...give it ur best shot.....and have confidence .....after at 22 ur life only starts and u have a long long way to go...
Realise ur dreams shudn be tough.....
U start big or not..what matters is the final destination and not the displacement to get there.......

Signing offf